Starting a Blog seems to be Easy to some people, it is actually Easy if you Have some kind of knowledge about this Field. You don’t need a Very High end Equipment if you are just starting out. You just need to have some sort of skills so that you can standout in Crowd. Welcome to the New Blog Article. I ( Rohit Chauhan) will tell you about the Basic Equipment I use for Capturing Pictures when I am On the Go, so that I can Create a Good Blog. Let’s Get Started.
I didn’t had a Camera when I started this Blogging thing. Acquired some knowledge about blogging from Youtube. Created Multiple Websites, Blogs etc. Tested every possible thing.

I used to Capture all the images from My Samsung galaxy J7 2015 when I first started. I used to have a website named at that time. It is not Active right now. Quality of the picture Depends upon the lighting to some extent.
Just Make sure that you have Perfect lighting available.
I bought my first Camera Nikon D3400 in 2018. It came with a Kit lens. Got a 18-55 mm lens and 70-300 mm Lens with the Pack. If you are Just a Beginner, then It will be a Very good Lens for you.
For the Video and Picture Editing Purpose, I use a Basic Laptop; LENEVO ideapad 100. For Video Editing, I prefer Adobe Premier Pro and for the Photo Editing purpose I use Adobe Photoshop and Lightroom CC.
That’s all I personally use for my Blogging thing.

I hope most of the Queries about First Time Blogging equipments have been Cleared. Do ask in Comments Section if you still have any Questions. I will be Happy to Answer.
Thank You
-Rohit Chauhan
Thank you for Sharing ?
My pleasure bro
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