this Covid-19 thing made all of us quarantined, many of you must be Working from Home. i am working from Home since last few Years and i am here to tell you guys some effective ways to Avoid Distractions while Working from Home.
1. Play some Good Ambient Music
Playing Music really helps one to focus on their Work without Procrastination. No matter where you live, it is really important for you to Play some Good Music around you to Boost up your Mood and your Concentration Levels. Try to avoid Music with Lyrics as it will distract you more.
2. Organize your Workspace
No one likes a Messy workplace with Pens and Notebooks all around, wires hanging from one side. Make sure you start your Day by Organizing your Workspace so that you could work without any Hassle and with an Improved mood as you have accomplished some sort of task by Organizing.
3. Finding Correct Work Place
You need to be Choosy in terms of finding a Good Workplace. Well see, if your Workplace is in a Very Dark Room which does not have any kind of Ventilation, would you like to work there? You will get pissed of after an hour or so. So it is better to find a Good Place that is well Ventilated and without any kind of Distractions.
4. Keep Water Bottle near you
I am sure you will get thirsty after a while. It is recommended to keep your water bottle at the Side of you so that you don’t have to go around watching for your Bottle. If it is at the side then you will drink enough of it which will also help you to keep Hydrated throughout the Day.
5. Keep some Snacks near you
You will most probably get hungry while working. Just don’t take heavy meals while working as it will heavily decrease your Concentration levels. Instead, Try eating some Smaller Portion of Snacks. You should keep it near you as well. So that you never Get Hungry during the Entire Work.
6. Take Regular Short Breaks
Taking breaks will help you concentrate and Focus on your Work more easily. You should take Short breaks of no more than 10-15 Minutes. Try Exercising a Little during the Breaks or some sort of Stretching. Your Body gets Stiff after sitting for Long hours so try to take these kind of Breaks after 30-40 Minutes regularly. You will feel a Lot Better.
I hope this Covid-19 thing wouldn’t stop you from Working. Hoping to recover from all of these things soon. Till then Take Care
Thank You
– Rohit Chauhan

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